HERMIT FUTON is Hamish Fulton; who says that walks are like clouds, they come and go.
RUCKSACK MIANG is Richard Long; who also likes to walk, sometimes in straight lines, sometimes in circles.
ONE BRAW NARA is On Kawara; who would like everyone to know he is still alive.
SHERBET & SERGE are Gilbert & George; of Fournier Street, listed in the Yellow Pages under Artist.
MART & LINKAGE are Art & Language; once upon a time they made a little magazine.
DORIC JARDIN is Derek Jarman; whose fugitive garden still flowers on the shingle of Dungeness.
IRON HUMILITY FINALLY is Ian Hamilton Finlay; whose love of names and name-calling is renowned.
DOUBTFUL GARDEN is Douglas Gordon; whose annual record of the names of everyone he meets is famed.
DEMON FIRST is Damien Hirst; who seems to carry a blow torch backwards through life.
TACKY HEMMING is Tracy Emin; also bynamed Racy Woman, Treacly Ermine, Trashy Omen.
TIMON PATTERNON is Simon Patterson; and he really is Mister Names.
HANDS RICH ORBITS is Hans Ulrich Obrist; the curator, who always works so terribly, terribly hard.
AWASH KIPPER is Anish Kapoor; the sculptor, for him a fanfare, tarantra, tarantra.
SOME SAILOR WOOD is Sam Taylor Wood; the photographer, wholikes to take photographs.
COOLING IRIS is Calum Innes; favoured son of Edinburgh, whose paintings give such ocular pleasure.
AUGUST MORNING is Agnes Martin; solitary visionary of Taos, her strong chin betrays Scottish roots.
JAMS CHOICE is James Joyce; Dubliner, name-player, who is celebrating an anniversary this year.
HANDS ARC is Hans Arp; the Alsatian, so handy with paper and scissors.
SILVER RIVER is Susan Hiller; for her a suitably Orphic byname.
DENIAL BURDEN is Daniel Buren; let’s hang-out all the flaps, dress the town for gala day.
SOUL WATER is Sol LeWitt; a byname to bless one who described all conceptual artists as mystics.
HANDY WATERHOLE is Andy Warhol; whose fame-factory collected names, tested them out on sofas.
LAWLESS WINNER is Lawrence Weiner; of New York, of Amsterdam, who sculpts with words.
GORGEOUS MACHINES is George Maciunas; Mr Fluxus, Little Yurgis, who planted Aurucaria.
PEER BRICKBOY is Per Kirkeby; who lays a mean red brick wall.
BARRROW is Basho; of Haiku, who took his pen name from the banana tree which grew outside his hut.
GLAD GOLD is Glenn Gould; pianist, composer. Preudonymist, who couldn’t help but hum along.
MAPLIN is Tatlin; remarkably there was talk of constructing a replica of his tower here in town.
RAINY MARGATE is René Magritte; so please be so kind as to doff your bowler hat.
TITAN is Titian; please proceed upstairs.
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