
A white line of arcs,
winter waves
container vessel isles

__beneath the ice minnows sleep
__in a tangled forest of weed

dangled catkins
and warm pussy willow,
wishes for fishes

__watching what my heart is and what it does
__and trying to catch the difference

muttered letters in glass
until they make sense

__do the rain prisms or no sleep
__confound expectation more

drifted in the void
between the World Service
and Open Country

__on the ferry to the smaller island
__all breaches are teachers

seals are clowns
but one still day
I heard them call

__let my child song van yeli bring
__the fairy light to cast the sky in stone

did you ever just watch
as the clouds

__ten thousand years I study
__sandstone ravines in your hair

tresses and bubbles
all churned up
for the ducks play

__over the wall, the sudden lochan
__rippled by wildfowl

he tells me how
this drizzle’ll
damp the dust down

__roses outside our window
__specks on the pane all I see

caught in the curtains
a yellow moth, further off
a contrail wicker twist

__welcome to BT answer – you’ve no messages
__the tea is cold

from Mount Qiyun
comes the Guapian
for Henry Kissinger, 1971

__he wouldn't go there
__it's OK to do nothing

Linda draws the covers up:
we’ll pick the may B.
for hawthorn brandy another day

__blackbird comes closer for raisins —
__keep still!

snap the lomo
eye to eye —
now you can fly!

__jumping every hedge in the street
__for dares

a dab of pink germoline
touched between fingers
and graze

__I would say to him as a riddle:
__is the leaf casting its shadow?

frowns at his heels
Old Peter still looks
for his shade

__logs on to eBay —
__tracks The Young Ones (VGC)

the mouse’s tail curls
from keys to screen

__bad back — could hardly walk
__hello uncruel world — must fly

what she did, right, was climb on
get her knee wedged in —
cra-aaa-cck! goes the branch

__least said, soonest mended
__silence spins round the kitchen

towels wrapped in perforations
eco-lightbulbs noses poke
from crinkly paper shades

__something not someone beats
__in your clenched fist

your curved double in his eyes —
nerves quiver,
stretched paws

__grey breath of haar
__licks against the window

flickers a breeze
through the reeds, rushes —
Ivan’s childhood

__no, rather: shutter drawn
__smut flicks

under the boughs
torn leaves, beaver shots
tug about in the breeze

__something about that bush
__ain't right — rosemary

pink meat hisses in the oil,
the shaman switches and spits
a circle on the floor

__"high blue, dry blue", pulse
__the drums of autumn

thud — Ignatz’s brick
thud — a fallin’ leaf —
Krazy Kat’s serenade . . .

__running time 2:15 minutes
__and love's labor lost

pegged curtains hide the set,
raffle prizes stuck with a ticket
wait for the intermission

__switch and twitch high in the wild plum thicket
__bear cub, not quite ripe

colouring in the wood—
block — a kid’s touch,
a new name, Manji

__water hugs the plughole
__fragments dragged there

oatcake isles with butter, marmalade —
below a grey tide line
sog to silt, a few curly hairs

__aus den händen der kastanienblätter
__fallen die fingerabdrücke des baums

__ from the hands of the chestnut-leaves
__the fingerprints of the trees are falling

twoers, fivers, eleveners, from spikes
to shine short lives,
embalmed in heat, sour vinegar

__now we take slow steps,
__the stick's not for decoration

she flicks her tail —
turn for home
then you’ll maybe get a trot

__anamorphosis explains it:
__a tortoiseshell comb

tort tongue juice strain
through pulp
broke tooth gap

__silver coin white gem
__tear stained cheeks and smiles

topple fairies in pink boas
and shiny leather —
the float slips a gear

__I am being eyed by a feral cat
__and there’s something too mild about the day

idling in Le Chat Noir —
pousse l’amour, the dreamy fish,
Satie’s new love song for his dog

__waiting for the notes to fall:
__stones in a well, 100 umbrellas, pear-shaped space

freezy chocolate molehills
splayed into scatter patterns
scuffed by the lead runners of the sled

__The Cheviots in the distance
__cleaner spraying polish on the clean desk

squeak goes the swivel, squeak,
squeak, squeak, —
the servers down again

__burnished bowl resonating
__with the sound of silence

Big Ben chimes on the trannie
downstairs — upstairs . . .
Big Ben chimes on the digital

__for an ounce of this, a gram —
__a moment of sun on the skin

outside in — cancer,
what i’ve waited for
year after year

__a rescued patchwork —
__a long walk across the bridge

the skeleton of a bus, struts
lack over winter pink —
the shoppers will be home by Christmas

__you fly away I stay
__two open wounds

clown’s eyes

__twilight starlings
__dancing in Aberdeen

the dark cloud shrieks
crack! crack!
of a starter gun

__joy at the break of dawn
__a new day falls into place

names in all the windows —
stamp comes down — envelope —
name, stamp comes down

__I will return, my love, to feel
__that stickiness still on your tongue

in the fruit van there’s a row
of red cellophane toffee apples
rotten to the core

__everything fine fucked up — chorister-white, halibut;
__burnt butter and bacon

flick past fashion, recipes
to the stars —
broaden your horizons

__hot leather emergency
__on the other side of the world

at her place
the remote's called
the conch

__memories of pole dancing
__the blinds slip down quickly

trade glazed eyes so
far away so
alone so lonely

__one day I will sail away from here
__into the dark peace of space

the canvas holds
a pool of water
to see us through

__the train steals south
__her body on my mind

2 hour delay
by the track a blue bag —
a life in parts

__sparks, grease on his hands
__those fireworks

spilt slits of lights
everyone ooohhhs
the widest arcs

__— sleepers slippery
__after thin rain

come tears for a lover
an old scar, a new scar
pale on each shoulder

__finger shapes parting
__shadowy dances

a black rabbit flickers in flames —
take down those ears
I need hands to hold

__burrows' scratched red soil
__the umbrella unneeded now

Let the rain fall —
dab the damp cotton
weak lips still suck on

__today the hill's veiled in mist
__from the top here will be too

a pile of stone read in lichen’s —
arboreal papules we once dreamed
to make a fortune from

__coarse grain of stone, the feel of the unfinished
__under the fingertips; so much art is a pause in not being

still in the pillow —
a shallow impression
& smell of sick

__breath taken away
__by the daffodil wind

awake either side of alone —
a vase of big yellows,
a tea cup of minature yellows

__hail storms in April
__first signs of blossom

balls of ripe cherries —
sea salt tinty finger tips
stray grains irk the sheets

__full-bellied tack by Fingal's neuk
__puffin-bright spinnaker

you’ve to feel it, right —
put out too much
and you’ll flip her over

__Gotham Pier for The Floating World
__Recklessly seasoned Wok departs 13:00

snaky dragons aside
don’t we all take offence
at some shape of noodle?

__spent afternoon in crazy traffic
__beseech the tea bag for some taste

corrugated burdock, dry sticks,
and a packet of quavers
selected for the swan’s nest

senku index of contributors

Alec Finlay; Maris; AF; Linda France; AF; Peter Manson; AF; Paul Rubie; AF; Holly Clay; AF; Andrew Schelling; AF; Elizabeth Burns; AF; Chris Wood; AF; Jeremy Over; AF; Gerry Loose; AF; Rachel Knowles; AF; Alex Hodby; AF; Toby Martinez; AF; Alistair Peebles; AF; Gregory O’Brien; Lesley Mountain; AF; John Glenday; AF; Bill Duncan; AF; Jorn Ebner; AF; John Cayley; AF; Tito; AF;; Harry Gilonis; AF; Caitlin DeSilvey; AF; Eileen Bonner; AF; Arne Rautenberg, translated by Ken Cockburn; AF; Jayne Wilding; AF; Elizabeth James; AF; Ruth Sheldon; AF; Gabriel Rosenstock; AF; Roderick Watson; AF; Eileen Ridley; AF; Caroline Leinster; AF; Jacob Polley; AF; Clara May Warden; AF; Werner Reichhold; AF; Anne-Marie Culhane; AF; Jane Reichhold; AF; Tom Pow; AF; Jen Hadfield; AF; Gavin Wade; AF; Rachael Ogden; AF; Suhayl Saadi; AF; Subhadassi; AF; Gerrie fellows, AF; Bob Clay; AF; Tom Shakespeare; AF; Jonathan Young; AF; Ken Cockburn; AF; Michael Heller; AF; Paul Conneally; AF; Norman Bissell; AF; William G. Bonar; AF; Tom Richardson; AF; Erni Bär; AF